As most of you know, I’ve been trading with Mike and his chat room since 2010. That’s a REALLY long time if you think about it. At this point, I consider Mike and most of the longer-term members family. Sure, some of the members are like crazy Uncle Bob or mean Aunt Ruth who you pray don’t show up for the Holidays, but they’re still family. And there’s even a few Cousin Ethans who you’ve cut off all ties to and refuse to have ANY relationship with. But sans a few Aunts, Uncles and crazy Cousins, most other members are like the friends and family you wished you had.
On Tuesday this week, we learned that one of our family members “DebbyD” passed away. Don, her husband, is also a member of the room.
I’m dedicating this blog to Debby and Don. It’s my little way of expressing condolences.
Debby was one of THE nicest people I’ve ever come across in my 48 years on this planet. People come and go in and out of your life all the time, especially in a Day Trading chat room. Most you won’t even remember. However, Debby is one of the ones I will always remember and cherish.
Debby was like a ray of sunshine in chat whenever we needed it. How she knew we needed it, we’re not sure? But her timing was impeccable.
For example, Mike and I would be having a crappy and frustrating day dealing with one or more of the Uncle Bob’s in the room. Then, at the end of the day, Debby would post something really nice. Often times just a simple “thank you” as she was signing out of chat for the day. Or sometimes it was just a little recognition for something we said or did. She was just so kind. Genuinely kind.
Here are a few random examples of Debby bringing a smile to our faces:
Another example of her kindness and why it was so difficult for me to talk on the mic in chat about this on Tuesday, was when my Dad passed away in late March of this year. She sent a lovely email with the card you see just below attached. She also asked if they could donate to a cause of his or my choice in my Dad’s memory.
See what I’m saying about her kindness?
Then in April, I received another “Just checking in…” email from her asking how I was doing. Out of the blue. No special occasion. Just pure kindness.
Then on Father’s Day, I received a “First Father’s Day without my Dad” email. I was blown away once again. This was attached to the email:
See what I’m saying about her kindness now?
On this Thanksgiving 2019, I was planning on and will give Thanks for many things. For right now in this blog, the Thanks are all for Debby. Thanks for just being so kind. Thanks for just thinking of me. Thanks for just remembering. Thanks for being part of our trading family. Thanks for reminding me and all of us how truly kind people can and should be.
We should all strive to be kind just like Debby.
To Debby, you will be greatly missed by me, Mike and everyone in chat.
To Don, my sincerest condolences. I can’t imagine what you’re going through. I hope that these words and knowing how much we appreciated your lovely Debby brings you at least a little comfort.
To the rest of you, as I often say on Fridays, life is too freakin’ short so make sure you're enjoying and appreciating it. Let’s all remember this each and every day.
Now, go be kind. Be like Debby.